Monday, January 14, 2013

Why me

I found this a while back. I absolutely love this pic. It was such a good reminder for me that there is someone that is watching not only over me but for possibly any future baby we may have. It really is not in my hands. For me this has been difficult to accept at times. I have asked the simple question I have called my blog...Why Me?  Why can't it be easy for me/us to have a baby? Why do we have to go through this emotional journey? Then I thought, why not me? We have the finances to be able to afford this (it can be expensive). We have the support to get through this. We have found the strength to help us as well. Don't get me wrong, we have had our share of ups and downs but in the end has only made us stronger. I would not wish this on anyone but instead would rather have this happen to us because I know we can handle it and with Gods help, will conquer this, whatever the outcome may be. I write that last sentence with tears but not because I don't believe it but because of my fear that we may end up childless and my heart breaks. But I can do all things through God who gives me strength! (Phil 4:13)


  1. This post brought tears to my eyes. I hate that you are going through this...

    1. and you too but I am hoping it helps others to feel and see they are not alone.

  2. PS Derek read all the posts in your blog and said, "Cool." I think he is glad you are doing it :)

  3. You have a lot of support - know that you are loved during this very isolating and lonely time. It is a tough journey. Having been on both sides of the situation, I can honestly say that God's timing is impeccable.

    1. We are so very thankful God has put you and Jim in our lives. Your support has meant the world to us.
