Thursday, January 17, 2013


Over the past several months I have learned to live with this motto. I have been through every emotion imaginable during this process. As I stated a few posts ago, I have asked the why questions. At times, it has been difficult. I started to attend a local Resolve chapter about 6 months ago and have found it helpful. One of the first ones I attended, we were talking about how easy it is to get 'sucked into' the process. Your life begins to revolve around the step you are in and what to do next. As we did IVF, I found how easy that happens. I got tired of that and the negativity with each failed round. I found it easier to look for the positives in our process instead of being angry and mad. No longer is infertility going to define MY life. Instead, I am going to define infertility! It is going to revolve around my life instead. It has been a much more enjoyable time. I am doing what I want. Planning our next vacation, playing indoor volleyball and started teaching at grad school. I am not going to put things off 'just in case'. My husband and I are back to enjoying each other. Don't forget, during your process, be thankful for what you have around you right now.

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