Tuesday, January 29, 2013


We received a call that the 7 were growing well and some were even as big as ten cells.
Then it was transfer day. It was filled with excitement and nerves. It is amazing the pics of the little blastocytes they have (or my little embryos as I know them by). Only 2 actually made it to transfer day which was somewhat disheartening but we were still excited. It is just awesome the technology we have available. The process was easy. They give some a Valium pill to take, which really was just to help you relax some. Then they took me and my hubby back and transferred the little blasts into a small catheter. They then put that through the cervix and when able to visualize with ultrasound, they injected them into the uterus. How cool it was. The hard part was after we came home and had to be on rest for the next day but I tried to take it easy for the weekend. My hubby was great and loved that my dog was there to hang out to pass the time. Then hard part is the wait will the pregnancy test.

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