Sunday, January 20, 2013

the medications

And then the medications came. All several thousands dollars worth. The box was a little bigger than I expected. There are lots of pictures of medications all over the internet, but here is mine. I thought I could handle going through all the medications but there were boxes and boxes of injections and bottles and bottles of pills. They really did send everything including a sharps container. As I got my instructions out, the anxiety rose. I started to make a calender and put down each medication I was to take throughout the day and some days even up to 6. It was overwhelming. I wanted to take the valium they sent for the transfer right then. On one side I was frustrated again at how much I would have to go through and put in my body for the possibility for a baby. I was frustrated at how easy it is for some to get pregnant and they may not even want a baby. On the other side I am thankful for the support I have from family and close friends and know that I can keep doing this and can conquer this adventure in my life.

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