Tuesday, January 8, 2013

and the process continues

After the first IUI failed, we elected to proceed with a second and then a third. We didn't use clomid, instead femera, which had no side effects. It did not get any easier as each one failed. I chose not to tell many the following two rounds. For me, I learned it was harder to have to tell them it didn't take. Also, I learned who my friends really were. I know it is hard to show they care and not want to hurt your feelings but for me it was harder if they didn't inquire at all, especially if they knew what you are going through.They will never understand what it really feels like and the saddness that comes with it but to have their support and love was the best they could do. It was nice just to get a little note to say I am thinking about you or praying for you. Just to know someone cared. It was and still is extremely helpful to have a few close who have been through infertility too. They understand where you are and the feelings you have. I love and will always love those very few that I have. I since have been and am trying to be that person for others. This is why I chose to start this blog.

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