Monday, January 7, 2013

So we began with our journey and started with our first IUI (intrauterine insemination). We were a little nervous and not really sure what to expect. The emotional toll was rough. The long wait to see if your period would start seemed like forever. Then when you see the start of it, your heart melts. I thought I could not do it again. I was so devastated. Anytime I would think about it, tears would fill my eyes. I had told several people we were going through the round and couldn't imagine telling them it didn't take. I also had side effects, headaches, from the clomid which made me not looking forward to the next round. One goes into this process with the mindset that you will be pregnant and there are hopes and excitement. Then you wonder, what happened? Why didn't it work? You begin to feel so alone inside. But you are NOT alone. Did you know roughly 1 in 6 couples go through this. It is far more common than you think.

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