Sunday, January 27, 2013

post retrieval

We headed home from the retrieval and felt ok, just a little sore. Although the rest of the day I was sick, think it was from the anesthesia. Mark had to place another IV at home and give me a bag of fluids. The next morning I felt pretty good. I really didn't have that much abdominal pain. I did go to work that day but not before I had to start the progesterone injection in my butt. I was so nervous and tried to focus on my breathing. I tried to take deep breaths. I almost hyperventilated. I think it is partly because I had no control in the process. I could only tell Mark where to give it and draw it up but he was giving the shot. Luckily he has some experience and was comfortable doing it. It did hurt like any other shot but no worse. The medication is thick which means it left a little bump under the skin that actually would be come more sore later. I did have a hot flash later that day and think it was from the change in hormones. The next am, another shot and the flow of emotions of knowing I have to do this every day kicked in. The tears rolled. Oh the emotions you go through in this process. 
A side note, we got the call that our little embryo's are growing. 12 made it through fertilization. The doctors did freeze 5 right away and we will see how the next 7 do. The plan is to implant on day 5. We were excited. This is becoming so real. I have decided I am not going to worry about it. I am going to let myself be excited. Can't wait to hear how they are doing on day 3!


  1. Hi Jocelyn! I found your blog via Pinterest and I'm always looking for new fertility blogs to read. I just wanted to say that I hope that everything goes well with your transfer and you get a BFP!

  2. thanks so much for your support!
