Wednesday, January 23, 2013

starting the medications

The day came when I went for my first ultrasound and met with the nurse - Michelle. We reviewed the medications I was to start in the next 2 days. I brought my calender to review and she instructed how to do the injections. I work in the medical field and have administered many injections to others. I thought this would be no big deal and I could handle it. However, once she started explaining, I became more anxious. She only went over the next 10 days worth of medications and said she would review the rest later. I began to wonder why she only covered half, but as I was leaving, I realized I felt like I didn't even remember what she said and felt overwhelmed. If I am a nurse and feel that way, how do others feel. There was no way I could have heard anything else she may have said. I felt crazy because it isn't hard or difficult to do this, but think it is different when doing it to yourself. It probably doesn't help when you have all these hormones flowing through your body. I already don't feel like myself and do not have control over my emotions. The crazy part is, I hadn't even started the injections. What would I be like then..YIKES!

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