Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Four rounds of IUI done and that means we head to IVF. We had our first meeting with the doctor to talk about it and it was exciting but nervous too. Our insurance covered a little, mostly medications and ultrasounds so would be costly for us. I know some may have no coverage at all and some all is covered. We were thankful for some coverage. We had been planning for this, so had set money aside to help with the cost. We were given a 50% chance of success with implantation of 2 blasts. It is far better than the 7% with IUI but still no guarantee. That is a little hard to accept but the best chance we had thus far. It is a big step and far more invasive, for me, which made me more nervous than ever. We picked out our tentative date and the excitement rose. I decided this round to pray for what I wanted, a healthy baby. They say to ask God for what your want in Matthew 7:7 "ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open." This is our last step in this journey. Next stop, arrival of our plans and instructions.

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