Saturday, January 19, 2013

pre ivf

We received our packet of information in the mail of when to start certain medications and when the retrieval will be. The amount of appointments between now and the retrieval are crazy. We had to attend a class about IVF process, which was educating and informative. I thought it was good to help my husband understand what I (women) have to go through. Despite that, I still felt alone in the process. I know he was 'supporting me' but he had no idea how it felt and the anxiety's I had associated with all the medications and procedures. Also we had a lot to discuss. Once the eggs are retrieved, the sperm are injected into them (ICSI). The ones that are not implanted in the first round of IVF can either be frozen, destroyed or donated. Each couple has to agree and decide what they want to do. We had much discussion about this, as we each had different opinions. It is different for each person. It was difficult at times to talk about. Communication with each other during this whole process is very important. We had always said we were only going to do one round of IVF, but when it came down to me, that made be scared. We had come so far and how could we turn back and stop now? It was something we prayed about. Ultimately we decided to freeze the extra, but didn't make that decision till the day of the procedure.

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