Sunday, January 13, 2013

proper infertility etiquette

I have been thinking about some things people say to those battling infertility. I know we have all been there. We have been asked:  So when are you going to have kids? Why don't you have children yet? Or if they know you are trying, people like to give you advise on what you can do to help get pregnant. There is a list of those comments that is way to long to even attempt to post. I am not sure we are even asking for their input. They have no idea where we are in the process and most of the time their comments only hurt. They are not helpful. Sometimes they don't think about what they are saying and that is can be hurtful to others. I will NEVER ask someone else when they are going to have kids.  I have posted one of my fav links to help guide others in what to say.

I have some amazing friends that may not know what to say and honestly I would rather you say that. It's okay to admit that. We can help to guide you and sometimes there is nothing you can say to make it better. We just like your support and love. Use the link to share with family and friends.  Or provide these for them to try:
• Infertility seems stressful. Is there anything I can do?
• Infertility is something I don't understand. Is there a website I can read?
• You have lots of doctor appointments. Can I go with you or drive you?
• You have surgery scheduled. Can I bring dinner or help you in some way?
• I will respect your privacy. I'm here to listen whenever you're ready to talk.
• I've never been through infertility. I don't know what it's like. I want to support you if you tell me what
you need.
• I am praying for you.
We need to help educate them and hopefully this provides some insight. 

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