Saturday, April 27, 2013

Join the movement - 5 must haves for battling infertility

We have been dealing with infertility for the past 2.5 yrs. It has been a long battle with many ups and downs. We have both grown through this process and think have become stronger individuals and closer as a couple. This week we are celebrating national infertility awareness week. I wanted to share 5 things that I think everyone needs/should have with traveling this journey.
1. A supportive spouse - I think this is kind of a given because there are so many papers each have to sign and definitely need a sperm and an egg to form a baby. For women there are also alot of emotions we go through and it is nice to have a spouse who understands and is able to deal with those emotions. Don't get me wrong there are tough times too but we traveled the same path together. Be sure to take special time away from the process and spend it with each other to keep that 'spark' going.
2. A supportive family/friends - Second to a supportive spouse, you need to surround yourself with friends and/or family that love you. There are times when you will be down and a note or call or text from a friend is always a boost you need. They are someone to vent to and pray for you when you need it. Also, they can help give you the distractions you will need. Just as it is good to spend time with your husband, it is also good to have a girls night or something. Their support is a must!
3. Faith - I realize that some may get angry and blame God for this disease, but I found it easier to not be angry. It took too much time and energy. I found it helpful to pray in the good times and the bad times. I actually have been able to turn to verses in the bible to help me after times of failed IVF. It seemed to ease the pain some. God is walking with us during this journey and not sure we would have been able to have the strength we needed without Him. I know that He has a plan for us, just trying to be patient and content while we wait to see what that is.
4. Doctor you love - This is super important. There are many doctors that 'claim' they treat infertility but may not have as good success rates or even able to perform all possible procedures needed. It is important to investigate and find the right doctor. Also it is good to have a connection with them. I absolutely love Dr. M. Even though it hasn't worked for us, I wouldn't trade her for another doctor. Find a doctor that makes you feel that way.
5. Lots of money - Depending on how far you may have to go and your insurance coverage or lack there of, it can get very expensive. Luckily for us we have been able to pay for it as we go, but realize that is not the case with everyone. Some have to take out loans and what not. I hope insurance companies start to cover this better.
This is my top 5 needed for traveling the journey. There are many others but this is what works for me. Hope this helps you to form your own. Good luck in your process. Focus on the blessing you do have and love each other.

1 comment:

  1. I so wish that every person struggling through the infertility journey had all five of these things. How amazing would that be? I wonder what the average is? Like maybe most people have 3 out of 5? Maybe more? Maybe less? I hope that by raising awareness we can help bring that number up!
