Thursday, May 2, 2013


Today I tried acupuncture. Since we have had 2 failed IVF attempts, I thought would try something different. It was a little bit farther than I was hoping. It is another treatment that is not covered by insurance but guess a drop in the bucket in overall cost. I was a little nervous. My husband went with me so that was nice. He did not go back with me, but drove me there. Kirsten asked me some questions about history of our infertility as well as symptoms over the last year. Then she had be get into a gown and lay on the table. I closed my eyes as she placed the little needles (1 on head, abd and wrist then both shins and feet). It did not really hurt, just a little sting. Then she left and turned out the overhead light. I was to rest and relax. I focused a little on the needles because it was new, but overtime was able to feel myself breathing easier and relaxing some. I can for see myself sleeping possibly in future sessions. Today I was a little anxious as I was on call but think next week will go better. She did give me a book to read. This can only help, even if it is just with my overall anxiety.

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