Wednesday, May 8, 2013

yen diet

My acupuncturist gave me a book called the Infertility Cure examining acupuncture and infertility. It is interesting and had a section in it about our eating habits. I read through the book and according to ancient chinese medicine - i have spleen deficiency mostly. I verified that with Kirsten. I decided I would try to change my diet to help as well. I tried to follow it but found to be somewhat difficult. Here is what it included: pumpkin seeds, walnuts, cooked dark green and winter veggies like broccoli, cabbage, kale, brussel sprouts. Also what meats I did eat, were to be organic, and encouraged to eat more fish - cooked, wheat flour, no sugar and min dairy. The dairy is hard. She told me to refrain from ice cream - that is the worst. I needed to 'warm' my uterus and am not to use any ice in my drinks either. I did pretty good but had harder time eating cooked veggies in the beginning and then in then more recent have been harder to avoid ice cream. It has been so nice out. I must day I did feel better and loose a few pounds at first, but think that is mostly due to change in diet. It is nice. I hope to keep it up throughout this process as best I can.

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