Thursday, April 11, 2013

fast forward

I started this blog several months into my infertility journey. I am not going to catch up to real time. Jump forward about 5 month. We spent the last several months enjoying time together with family and friends. Doing what we wanted and felt back to myself. I must say it was really nice and very thankful we did that. However occasionally we would look back and face the reality of this journey. We still have 2 frozen blasts. I kept putting it off because I did not want to face the future and possible reality. It made me sad just thinking about it. Mark and I however agreed to do it before our year was up after initial freeze. That month seems to come closer and closer at a faster pace making me face it head on. We decided to set a tentative date in the next coming month or 2. To start the process I have made an appointment just to chat with Dr M.

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