Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Join the movement - turning bad into good.

Many have and are battling with infertility. As you read through my blog, you will realize it is a very emotional journey. It can turn your life and your marriage up side down. In the beginning it was like that for me. That is all I focused on. We went through multiple IUI (intrauterine insemination) and 2 IVF's. After the first IVF and I felt sorry for myself and husband but did find it helpful to help another person through it. Luckily for her she became pregnant. I decided I needed to focus on the positives of this process. I began to help another couple through their IVF and then a close friend as well. It was nice to share my experiences with them as well as my faith and strength. I believe that is what helped them to become stronger. I then decided to start my blog. I thought if I could help those few, why not others throughout the nation. I hope to help people remember they are not alone and their are others dealing and have dealt with same situations. Also I hope to be able to help people find more positive ways one can deal with it. We have all been dealt rough hands but it is what you chose to do with those hands. I chose to find ways to help others in similar situations.
I have also changed my focus to love and care for those who are around me. I have many children of close friends and a few family that love me. I have decided to put my energy into loving them back and be that second adult figure they can come to and have fun with. They say it takes a village to raise a child and so I want us to be apart of those children's lives. We have much to offer them and think we will also learn from them. I love being able to give them a break in routine and their parents some time to themselves as well.   If nothing else, I can be the 'mother' to many. I am blessed.
Can check out these sites below for info about infertiltiy. Happy National infertility awareness week!



  1. I am amazed by your strength and courage. I am so sorry for your failed cycles - both the IUI's and the IVF's. Thank you for speaking out about infertility. It's so important that we lift our voices together to raise awareness. I'm glad I get to do that alongside men and women like you.

  2. Thank you so much! I want others to feel inspired and know that they too can get through it and conquer it. We can define it and not let it define us! I hope wherever you are in your battle, the best of luck and you are not alone.
