Friday, April 19, 2013

mothers day

found this pic today on pinetrest. I love it and thought would share with you all. It is sooo true.  Some of us have little ones we hold in our hearts and will only meet in heaven. Others wish and want to someday be a mother to their own. I know that day really sucks! Remember we can be a mother to many :) I hope for those who are reading that are mothers, remember those who are wanting and send a quick prayer out that day. I could keep ranting but will spare us all and let the picture do the speaking. Love to all!


  1. Thank you so much for sharing! Continued prayers for you all during this next cycle!

  2. I love this quote and sent it to dad to consider for his mother's day sermon. So proud of you for keeping your faith through all of this. I truly can't imagine it and all the daily feelings you must feel. Know we love you and pray for you both often, mom
