Sunday, February 3, 2013

the wait

We wake up every morning and the first thing, is the injection in my butt. Physically it isn't too bad. My butt does get sore and sometimes the area gets pretty red and inflammed. I rotate sides each day to try to help. Mark had been really good about coming home to do it between jobs and before his work out. I am so glad is is here for me during this process.
The hard part has been the wait. I feel no different. That makes me nervous and think this did not work. It is hard to keep your hopes up. I have to keep my mind off of it by keeping busy at work and with friends. I found this picture above that helps to remind me that it is not in my hands. I am hoping things will work out and the test will be positive but trying to tell myself that if it doesn't God still has a plan for us. This is HARD.


  1. viewed the pic - it was great. tried to post it but couldn't - will post it on its own
