Monday, February 18, 2013

support group

During our last round of IVF, I saw a flyer for a local support group. We decided to attend. Unfortunately my husband was working so I took my mother. It was nice to meet with others who are feeling the same way and going through the same things. It was nice to my mom could go because it opened her eyes to what it is really like going through this emotional journey. There is a lot of pain we hold in. There were lots of tears shed. It was nice to have people in different stages in the process there. One couple has been trying for 7 years and the last two have taken time off to decide what they want to do. One thing I heard continuously was how much you get sucked into it and the process. Your life becomes planned around the next step in your journey. It is kind of nice that Mark and I have set a limit to when we are going to stop. It does get expensive and the emotional drain it puts on us can be difficult at times. I don't want to live the next few years thinking what if. It was through Resolve - of which I have a link to on the side. If you have a local chapter - look it up and attend.

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