Friday, February 8, 2013

The Future

My husband and I attended a wedding recently for a cousin of his. While we were sitting there watching and waiting for it to take place, I began thinking of the future. I thought about how someday I may never be the mother of the bride or groom. I may never watch my child walk down the isle or graduate from college/high school. I may never have grandkids. Tears began to well up in my eyes. It sadden me to think of all of those things I will be missing. I may never have a child to put on the bus for the first day of school or hear about his/her first kiss. I hadn't thought about this aspect of things. I have been trying to deal with the here and now. This brought on a new light. I didn't want to start crying there and had to change my thoughts from those to just being glad to be there and being with my husband. Someday I will think about the future and have to deal with that, but now just need to focus on getting through each step of this crazy journey.

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