Friday, February 15, 2013

moving on

We went to our doctors appt. It was filled with a few tears. It was good to hear they were sad it didn't work. Let me tell you, one really grows to know these girls. They truly are amazing and encouraging. It is like no other office I have been to. We looked at our options and what may have happened. Dr M decided the next round we transfer on day 3. This is because she thought maybe they would do better in my uterus. The blastocytes seemed to take a little nose dive after day 3. We picked our next date out for our transfer. Luckily we didn't have to do our retrieval again and we have some frozen. We picked my hubbys bday. We hope that at least 2 survive the thaw. They are going to thaw three which makes Mark very anxious and he is not liking the idea of transferring them all.  We will cross that bridge when it comes. I am starting back on the medications that make me feel CRAZY. Things look good and the ultrasound checked out too. It is hard to not get too excited because of the fear of what could happen again. We have a lot of close people praying for is this round. It can only help. We can do this!


  1. Hello, I found you on pinterest. I'm in the same boat! I got pregnant with our IVF in November but lost it at 8 weeks. We have 4 frozen and are doing our transfer March 8th. My husband's scared of 3 too!! I feel your exact emotions, excited, guarded, and terrified. Good luck!!

  2. Holly - It is good to know others are in the same place as you with the same feeling. It is good to have been able to freeze some. I hope things go well for you and your husband this march!
