Thursday, February 7, 2013

Pity Party

As the last several days have passed, it is still hard to talk about with others and tears come to my eyes every time I think it. People have no idea what it feels like to - I guess maybe if you have miscarried or something similar they may understand. I found it comforting to reach out to others who have been through the same thing. My husband has been very supportive. I found above pic and found in refreshing to read. We did sit down yesterday and set a date to meet with the doctor for follow up. It gave me the next step to look forward to. I work/do well being goal oriented and planning. Also, I did come across the book of Job in the bible. I skimmed and read some because it is about questioning why. After reading, we both realized that we can't question God why. He has plans for us, they just may not be our plans. We have to look for the positives that come from this experience. It has helped to make us stronger as a couple and hoping that sometime I will be able to use this experience to help others.  Don't get me wrong, I am still sad and it still hurts but trying to find a way to move on.

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