Sunday, February 24, 2013


I am sitting here actually kind of not looking forward to the start of this next cycle. I have anxiety that is welling up inside of me. I am fearful that it may fail again and then what? I know I have no control over what happens and that God is really the only one that does. I am thinking about trying acupuncture this time. My husband is not too excited about the idea but my thought is what can it hurt? I almost don't want to deal with the emotions again if it does not take. When I was young, my grandma lived far away and told us that when ever there is a full moon, we can talk to it because she is looking at it too and listening. I am well aware that this is not true but too this day, I still say hi when I see it. Anyway, lately I have been talking to her again. Really I tell her I hope she has found my babies and taking good care of them and that is she could please put in a good word for me so God can bless us with a baby. I know that she and HE is up there listening, just trying to be patient as I see where life will take us.

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