Friday, June 28, 2013


It has been a several weeks since we found it is failed. Some days are better than others. My heart still hurts but most of the time, I am able to keep the thoughts and feelings at bay. My husband is glad this is all over, which at times, it makes me sad to think that. I had a friend give me a little insight about that. She says that it is hard for him to see me so upset and heartbroken when it fails. I asked him about it and was surprised somewhat when he did not seem to think that right away but thought more that is a subconscious thought. I will say though, regardless, he has been a great support and husband through this. I am so grateful for that.  I still do not know what the future holds for us and sometimes want to keep going but think that is mostly because I do not want to close the door completely. I know that is not what Mark wants so respecting that. In the meantime, still healing.

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