Thursday, June 20, 2013

not a coincedence

Today I had my yearly GYN check-up. I was not super excited but knew needed to get it done. I went in knowing I was going to have to talk about all we had been through this last year. The nurse Courtney took me back and asked a few basic questions. She asked if I had any recent procedures or surgeries so I had to tell her 3 IVF's, well 1 IVF and 2 FET.  She then said she was sorry I had to go through that, which I thought was nice. Then I told her we were done and needed to draw the line somewhere. She disclosed to me, the same thing happened to her and her husband. They did IVF and didn't take and called it quits. She said the same things I think and feel. It is such an emotional journey and can take its toll on your marriage. She even made the comment that she wouldn't wish this on anyone. It was so cool to hear her say those things. I then asked her what they did afterward. Crazy as it may be, they ended up pregnant on their own. Not sure that will happen to us but will say was nice to see her and hear her thoughts today. It really helped to heal my broken soul.

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