Wednesday, March 6, 2013

transfer #2

Time for second transfer. At the office, we did find that all three continue to grow and the decision had to be made...transfer 1, 2 or 3. Mark and I chatted about it a little that day before we arrived at the office. There was still some disagreement as to what to do. It was supposed to be a happy day but this made it somewhat stressful. In the end, he left it up to me, so I chose all three. The transfer went pretty good and it was cool to see them injected into the uterus. We came home and were able to relax that day, with family coming over to have cake and ice cream for hubby's b-day. I am glad to be able to do that, thanks to moms help, so that hubby would not feel forgotten. Now for the long wait. Hoping it goes by fast but anxious to see it things feel any different over the next few days. Only time will tell.

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