Monday, March 4, 2013

the thaw

So we decided to thaw 3 that were left from the first retrieval. There was a chance all three would not make the thaw. We got a phone call from the office that all 3 made it! I am excited but the hubby on the other hand is not. He is in fear of multiples. There still is a chance all three will not make to transfer day, but only time will tell. I am hoping that the hubby will be ok with transfer of all three, if they do make to day three, but think there is going to be some discussion. My thought, is that none may attach to the lining and then we are still not pregnant. Marks is  that all three will. I think we can deal with that, but find it unlikely that will happen. In the end, God is in control of this situation and no matter how many we transfer, He will give us what He wants for us.

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