Monday, March 25, 2013

find peace

I started reading a book about finding peace with childlessness. I thought this may help to bring the joy back to my life. Some parts did not really apply to me but there have been a few good points. Talked about protecting your marriage and looking at adoption (which at this point we are not interested in). Also helped me to look at 1 area that touched me the most. That is other children. I may have said some of this earlier but thats ok. I have heard it takes a village to raise a child. Often times, we are to focused on ourselves to remember that. I may not have children but I have MANY around me that do and many children that love me. I want to change my focus from trying to have a baby to helping 'raise' those around me. My hubby and I have a lot to offer any child. We are well traveled, can be patient (LOL), loving and caring. We often have times that others do not. God has put these children in our lives and us in theirs for us to learn from each other. I hope to be the person these kids can come to with anything and someone outside of the family (but still an adult) they can trust. I am going to try to embrace this role. Maybe it will help to heal my heart as well.

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