Sunday, March 10, 2013


Today was such a beautiful day. I sat outside and soaked up the sunshine. I know this time has been and can be stressful. Some days are rough emotionally. Today I sat with spanky (my dog) on my lap and realized how blessed we are. We may not have a baby, but I have a good relationship with my husband who has supported me during this all. We also have amazing friends and family and the best dog in the entire world (I'm not partial or anything). We both have good jobs and a nice home. There is so much around us that is amazing and this journey can make you miss them if we don't stop and take the time to look. It is difficult to not focus on the next step or what is going on, but it is far better to stop and enjoy where you are and what is around you. It makes this adventure a little more tolerable. So what are you missing today?


  1. Good question. I need to remember to answer it everyday!
    Here are my blessings:
    1) A God who loves me
    2) Wonderful, supporting husband
    3) THREE beautiful fur babies
    4) Ability to ride on motorcycles
    5) Flexibility and spontaneity

  2. Those are all great blessings! We often take these things for granted but need a little reminder occasionally of what blessings we do have.
