Friday, July 5, 2013


So it has been at least a month. I thought I was doing pretty good but for some crazy reason, the last couple days I have been moody, easily agitated etc...I feel bad for my hubby. I did apologize but can feel when I am getting kind of pissy. This afternoon I was just chatting with him on the phone and started crying out of no where. I am not really sure completely why. I know I am not 'myself' but at this point, I am not really sure who 'myself' really is. I do not like feeling this way. I am hoping to get back to my 'happy self' but who knows.
On a side note, the race went well with my nephew. He did great for 5 yrs old. I am already looking for the next one to run. We had a good time. It is nice to find something the two of us can do together.

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