Saturday, July 13, 2013

Being joyful

I have had several patients (50's) or so recently that have been diagnosed with different cancers. Then today found out a colleague had serious medical condition (treatable) suddenly diagnosed. It has confirmed to me life is truly fragile. I  think sometimes we forget this. We have been so focused on what the next step was in the process and what we were going to do from here. This easily happens and often forget the reality of life. I have been down and sad about what I do not have and forget to be happy my parents are still here to help us through this. I have been so focused on the future and have missed little things that are happening now. I am taking today and going to try to remember to be content with where we are. To live life to the fullest. One friend just reminded me to also tell those around you, your feelings. You never know what tomorrow or next week might bring. So in two days - we are going zip lining!

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