Monday, November 4, 2013

confirming my emotion

Today we came back from a weekend away together. We had a good time. I had made a PCP appt for the day we came back so I did not have to take off work to go another day. It was just a yearly check up. Anyway, I have known my dr for a while and we always got along well together. I do like her. We got to talking about labs I had done recently and told her the last I had were during infertility. Well here to find out she had been in the same spot years ago. They could not have kids either. I asked her if they ever consider adoption. It was crazy because she said some of the same things they had to think about that we...or maybe I...have to think about. She works alot and her husband would have to care for the child more that normally. This is the same for us. They decided not to to adopt. I asked her if that was hard or still is. She said it is at time and probably always will be.  I often feel the same way. It made me cry a little and I felt bad for crying and she felt bad for "making me" although she didn't make me. I very grateful for her openness to talk about it all with me. It was nice to hear her feelings being the same. I do fear/know it will never go away...only placed further in the back and at times will creep up. I am thankful God has placed people like that  to help me along the way.

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