Tuesday, August 13, 2013

rough day

The last few days have been a little hard. I am not sure what is really triggering it. It seems like everyone around me is pregnant. I know that is not true but does seem to be a lot especially at work. It makes me happy for them but sad and wish it could be me. I know some of this is what I have previously said. I was watching an interview with Jimmy Fallon and he talked about him dealing with infertility. His wife and him decided to use a surrogate to have their baby and said even when looks like you can not go anymore do not give up hope. It makes me wonder if we should have done things differently. I am not saying I want to go back through IVF  but having hard time closing that chapter in my life. Last night I laid in bed and prayed that God either provide us a baby or take this yearning for one out of my heart. I an trying to be content but keep filling that want with vacations or buying things, but it is just not working. I only hope that things change in one of our hearts soon.

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