Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Today I ran into a friend, that I am just starting to get to know. Anyway he was out eating lunch and for some reason felt the need to stop and chat. I really did 't have time as I needed to go to the other hospital to round but did anyway. We started chatting and one topic lead to another and got on adoption. I knew he and his wife had went through infertility and he knew mark and i were - thanks to my dad :). We chatted a bit and he told me about how they came to the conclusion to finally do it. He also talked about how his wife wasn't really keen on the idea initially. They seemed to have off and on talks about it and finally his wife did come around to the idea and they adopted a child internationally. It was a long process but worked out for them. It was good to hear some of a mans opinion on it all. It was also nice to see the struggles were very similar and they themselves are similar to mark and I. They did all kinds of traveling before they did finally adopt. They come from a religious background as well. It did give me hope that maybe in the end of all this heartache there is a happy ending....somewhere....sometime.

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