Thursday, September 12, 2013

final closure

I opened the mail a few days ago and found a bill from reproductive office. I was surprised to see it and looked into it a little more and saw they were charging us for the next year of sperm freezing. I was wondering if we had any left but had not heard anything so figured we used it all. I guess I was wrong. It is somewhat of a heart ache of what to do. I had to bring this up to Mark. I know we said we are all done but then what do we do with the frozen sperm. A part of me thinks, do we just use what is left with IUI  - they are cheap and easy be done with it. Mark brought up donating them, but I can't do that. Maybe I am selfish but I do not want to wonder if we/he has a child around that we can not have. Too hard. If we just kept them frozen, then my next question is why, if we have no plans on using them. Either we use them or discard them. Mark does not think there is a question about keeping them, as we said they are done and I know that but in my heart it is the final closure to this process and makes it a little more difficult.

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