Sunday, January 4, 2015

life goes on

And so it has been a while since I have been on here. I must say life does continue to go on. As time does, it by no means makes the feeling of wanting a child go away. I still would love to have a child of my own. I would love to adopt a child from another country. We have so much to over that child. I have done a little bit of looking into it but my husband is not there. I continue to pray that he will change his mind and his heart will soften to the idea but do not believe that will happen. I realize only God can do that. My nagging to him will only push him the other direction. I have continued to spoil and spend time with my nieces and nephews and it is nice to get my 'kid fix' and then give them back. It is not the same but does help at times. I do long to one day hold my very own child in my arms and have a little one call me mommy. I know that God has plans for me and and trying to be patient to see what those plans are. They may not include something that I want and am trying to learn to accept that. I have put some of my focus elsewhere and am working out and living life with friends and family. It is nice to not always be sad and angry. This year I will continue to pray for the hope to adopt and my husband to see the gift we can be to a child. Hope your new year gives blessings to you, whatever they may be.