Monday, March 24, 2014

sometime life is unfair

Today I found out someone close to me miscarried. Let me give you a little background, she has been going through infertility treatments for sometime, so I know what she has gone through and is going through. When she called to tell me she was pregnant, I was so happy for them, that she did get pregnant. I do not want her to have to end up like Mark and I. I did shed tears when she told me, but not for them. There is always a sadness that is inside for my loss. I really really was happy for them. Then to find out she miscarried, my heart breaks. It brings back the frustration of watching others who do not want children get pregnant and then have abortions, or those who have kids and can't take care of them. I am glad to know they are at least able to get pregnant and if they did once, they can do it again but know the healing will take time. I do not know what it is like to actually be pregnant and then loose a child, but I do know what it is like to do IVF and it not attach. I know they are not the same but hoping my similar experience can help her through. I know there is nothing to say to make it better.

Friday, March 21, 2014


I saw this and thought this represents me and probably many others going through infertility. I love it! I know not many knew while we were going through and many are finding out now. Often people do not realize the pain and heartache we deal with but in the end I think I am better because of it. We are strong women!