Sunday, February 23, 2014

what am I to do

Today I was sitting in church by myself, Mark was on shift. I kept seeing all these women come in pregnant or with young children. It started to make me a little sad. Yes I still have these moments. Then I thought to last night. We met up with a long time friend of marks I have seen 5 times now in the 10 years we have been together. His children were there who I have met once before but they do not remember as they were much younger. Anyway I find myself drawn to them and talk to them and include them in our conversation. Almost like they know me and have seen them many times before. They are 3rd grade and 8th. It is funny because the youngest, a girl and I ended up playing games on our place mats. I got in the car and find it funny how easy it is for me to get along with these kids and almost how much as ease/comfort I think I made them feel. The funny part is, I think this is my 'gift'. Kids really do like me and I find they are attracted to me. I hope that does not sound weird because I do not mean it other than they seem drawn to me. I teared up again at church thinking about this because if that is my 'gift' I am not sure how I am to be using this. I would like my own to use it on, but do no think that is what God has planned for me. So I am praying he will show me what I am to be using it for. It does hurt my heart but trying to remember to trust Him.