Wednesday, January 1, 2014

new year

I have been writing this blog for a year now, even though the process has been far longer than that. I have spelled out the whole process we have been through when battling with infertility. There has been  some ups and many downs during the time. I want to be able to someday have a year that has been the best in my life but have not been able to say that. Honestly I am not sure what would make something the best year. I have had some good times this, family times etc but have had some very low times this year as well. In some ways, I am glad it is over and have been moving on because I am tired of focusing on infertility and tired of being sad. I have been changing over the last few months and moving toward my 'new self and new couple' free of children. I am anxious to see where life will take Mark and I this year.